Focus on Your Journey, Not the Outcome

Did you know that over half of Americans are currently unhappy at work? (The Conference Board, 2018).

The quest for more joy and meaning in our careers is causing many of us to push ourselves to make serious changes.

I still can’t fully grasp the fact that I recently made one of those BIG changes. I’m taking my life in a new direction and I don’t know how the story will end. And for a woman who loves herself a good plan, you better believe this is scary! Gulp.

That’s right, after twelve years as vice president at a Fortune 500 company, I said goodbye to my steady paycheck and strong career identity to pursue a new career dream. The only thing is – my dream isn’t fully defined yet. While I know I want to help people live more joyful and meaningful lives and help companies deepen relationships with customers and employees, I don’t completely know what that looks like. And that’s ok.

How I Got Here

For years I’ve focused on achieving specific goals. I went to business school to work in management consulting. I took various professional roles as a stepping stone to the next. But once I achieved those goals, the result wasn’t exactly what I imagined. I was still yearning for more joy and meaning, more purpose and passion. So, then I was on to the next goal, leading to endless cycle of accomplishment without fulfillment.

To break the cycle of not feeling fulfilled professionally once my goal was achieved, I met with a career coach. While I thought maybe I needed a new job or a new industry to be happy, what I really needed was a “mind redesign.” My career coach reassured me it’s okay to not know what my professional end game is and encouraged me to not focus on the outcome. She said, “You don’t have to know, but you do have to do.”

In other words, to find professional happiness, I needed to start doing the things that bring me joy as well as help others to eventually turn into a career I love. Also, by doing (vs thinking and planning) I will do the learning and adapting along the way needed to get clarity on what a fulfilling career looks like for me.

Based on this new direction, I started curating content (blogs, podcasts, books) and providing consulting and coaching to help individuals achieve professional success along with personal happiness and to help leaders foster organizational cultures that bring out the best in others. Eventually I decided to quit my job to focus on that full time. While I don’t know how the story will end, I’m enjoying the journey and feeling more fulfilled professionally than I have in years.

Tips to Find Professional Joy and Meaning

Ready to focus on your professional journey? Here are some tips to find more joy in the process:

  • Identify what brings you joy. Pay attention to how you use your free time or what you are doing when you are in the “zone.” Ask yourself “what makes time fly by?” Is doing what you enjoy also something that can benefit others? How can you share these passions with others? How can you turn them into an income generator?
  • Get out of your comfort zone. Often we don’t know what we like or are capable of until we try something for the first time. Challenge yourself to try one new thing a week as a way to learn and grow and discover new interests and possibilities. Read more at How to Improve Your Mindset at Work.
  • Reflect on what you’ve learned by doing. Do you like doing what brings you joy as a hobby and not a career? What works/what doesn’t when you imagine your ideal life?
  • Make sure you’re enjoying the journey. If you are not having fun, stop and do something else.

Even though I’m scared about this risk I’m taking, I’m so excited to follow this path and promise to keep you updated along the way. It’s all about living a life filled with joy and meaning – let’s pursue it together! Visit my website at The Brimful Life for more ideas on how to revitalize your routine and find joy, adventure and meaning in your everyday life.

 What could you do to take more risks and embark on a professional journey that’s authentically you? Post a comment below and let me know.

Let's Connect

Beth Ridley is a former corporate executive turned organizational transformation consultant, speaker and author. Beth combines 25 years of global leadership and management consulting experience with expertise in diversity and inclusion and positive psychology to partner with leaders to transform workplace cultures to better achieve their vision and goals. Beth’s work is featured in national publications and she frequently delivers keynotes and workshops at events around the world. Beth lives with her husband and three children in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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