The Belonging Builder LEARNING LAB:

Ready to prioritize belonging at work, but not sure how and short on time?

Develop inclusive leaders with our transformative approach designed for busy professionals. 

What is the Belonging Builder LEARNING LAB?

The Belonging Builder Learning Lab isn’t a course or workshop—it’s an invitation to co-create the workplace culture you envision with your colleagues.

In a cohort of 4-6 coworkers, you’ll gain the know-how to authentically bring your vision to life with practical inclusive behaviors you can implement immediately.

With bite-sized content designed for busy schedules combined with impact-focused small group discussions, you’ll learn, grow and transform your workplace culture together.

The experience is ideal for leadership teams, emerging leader cohorts, cross functional work groups, DEI committees, ERG’s or industry association members.

At the end of the learning lab, leaders will be able to:

Foster Belonging at Work

Embrace inclusion as a core leadership competency to foster belonging, enhance team dynamics and boost workplace performance.

Why does belonging at work matter?

Organizations that prioritize inclusion and belonging as leadership values benefit from:

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Better at recruiting & retaining top talent
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Increase in innovation and creativity
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More likely to achieve leading profitability
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More likely to report positive employee wellbeing and mental health outcomes

What’s UNIQUE About the Belonging Builder learning lab?

This experience overcomes root causes of indifference and resistance to embracing inclusive leadership behaviors.

Barrier 1

You’re not sure what “belonging” is and why it matters.

Solution: Approachable content makes inclusion and belonging simple to understand, relevant, and directly applicable to your daily work and priorities.

Barrier 2

You fear engaging across different identities, cultures, backgrounds and experiences.

Solution: You get ample opportunities to practice inclusive behaviors in a safe environment so you can confidently apply them at work.

Barrier 3

You’re not sure how to take action or what to do beyond training.

Solution: Gain tangible examples, practical action ideas and resources to support adopting new inclusive behaviors as your habit in your way.

Barrier 4

You have no time and so many competing priorities.

Solution: Watch short explainer videos (all < 4 minutes), complete short reflection exercises (all < 10 minutes), and participate in small group discussions (30 minutes).

Barrier 1

You’re not sure what “belonging” is and why it matters at work.

Solution: The program makes inclusion and belonging simple to understand, relevant, and directly applicable to your daily work and priorities.

Barrier 2

You fear engaging across diverse identities, cultures, backgrounds and experiences.

Solution: You’ll get plenty of opportunities to actually practice inclusive behaviors in a safe environment, so you can feel confident about applying them at work.

Barrier 3

You’re not sure how to take action or what to do beyond training.

Solution: Learn from specific and practical action steps with easy to implement tools and resources to support taking action throughout the program and beyond.

Barrier 4

You have no time.

Solution: Watch short explainer videos (all under 4 minutes), complete short reflection exercises (all under 10 minutes), and participate in small group discussions (to be completed in 30 minutes).

Bring Your Organizational Values to Life

Embed inclusive behaviors into daily interactions so your culture aligns with stated values.

What Leaders Are Saying

Here’s what leaders who have completed the Belonging Builder Learning Lab have to say:

Average program ratings:

"The structure worked well - learn a topic, talk about it and then put it to practice". - Deb N.
"The information was packaged in an easily digestible way to foster reflection and insight and more likely lead to implementation". - Neil S.
"This information was incredibly useful for all levels of my organization." - Julie T.
"So many tools I will actively use to do my part in creating a culture of belonging with my team." - Abby R.
"The information was easy to digest and the action plan helped not only to learn the information, but form a realistic plan that we can implement after the program." - Daniel W.
"This was a great reminder to appreciate and welcome our colleagues' differences and view them as chances to learn and grow rather than as challenges." - Chen W.
"The practical doable skills and thoughtful exercises created a new way of thinking about this. Very approachable." - Dawn C.
"The program had really insightful questions and discussions. It was a great way to learn and also helped us bond with each other." - Kai T.
"Each lesson offers practical tips to reflect on your views and understand others in a way that is informative, challenging, and fun!" - Leila M.

Here’s What to Expect

The experience unfolds over a series of nine self-directed learning sessions, featuring short explainer videos, reflection exercises and intent-based conversations in small groups of 4-6 coworkers. The flexible experience can be completed at a weekly or monthly pace. Opportunities to apply new skills right away are integrated into the experience. Impact is measured with pre and post experience assessments.

Phase 1: ALIGN

Establish a safe and brave space for discussion to support collective learning and growth. Appreciate what belonging means for you and your work, values and priorities. Articulate your vision for what better with belonging at work could look like.

Phase 2: ACT

Learn and practice key inclusive behaviors grounded in being self-aware, being curious, and seeking to understand. You’ll integrate these behaviors into daily interactions and decision-making. Establish examples and expectations for what inclusive leadership looks like in action.

Phase 3: ACHIEVE

Develop a personal ccommittment plan to practice inclusive behaviors in daily interactions. Establish accountability structures to make inclusivity a habit. Establish plans to deepen inclusive leadership skills and/or apply them to have broader organizational impact.

Your Investment to Achieve an Inclusive Future

Basic Experience


Gold Experience


All Basic package features, plus

Have Questions? Reach Out to Us!

Our team is here to help you. Use our contact form for any inquiries.

Meet Beth Ridley

I’m Beth Ridley, a former corporate executive turned organizational transformation consultant, speaker, and author. I combine 25 years of global leadership and management consulting experience with expertise in diversity, inclusion and positive psychology. I partner with leaders to transform workplace cultures, helping them achieve their visions and goals. 

The Belonging Builder Learning Lab was born from my time at a major consulting firm, where I saw the transformative power of inclusive leadership firsthand. In many meetings, I noticed that people didn’t feel comfortable speaking up, leading to low engagement and uninspired decisions. In contrast, meetings with lively exchanges of ideas showcased a strong sense of belonging, resulting in innovative decisions and better outcomes.

I created this experience to help more leaders build the culture they need to reflect their values and achieve their goals.

Beth RIdley

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Want to discuss?

Schedule a call to learn more about the Belonging Builder Learning Lab, talk through your questions, and decide if it is a fit for your team or organization.

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